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I have tested Hetzner dedicated servers for a few different things now, and overall I am happy with the service they provide.

What I love about Hetzner is their server auctions. You can see servers with different specifications and if they don't get bought they go down in price slightly.
This gives you a chance to get a decent server for a lower price.

Going to their server auction page right now, I can see the lowest priced server is currently €34.15 (£28.92).
The specs are:
Intel Core i7-6700
Drives 2 x 512 GB SSD

This kind of server is perfect for any small business or game server, and is similar in price to OVH.
There are also many other servers on the exact same price with differing specs. Some of the servers have 64 GB of RAM, or they have 3 SSDs, or they have a Xeon processor.
With the Hetzner server auction it seems like it would be hard to not find the server perfect for your use.

Compared to OVH, Hetzner has a lot more variations of servers to choose from, and at a more affordable rate. The only downside I noticed was the lack of proper DDoS protection.
When my website was under DDoS attacks, the server would be unresponsive and my entire site was inaccessible. Hetzner sends you a notification upon detecting a DDoS attack, along with sending an email to the host of whoever is sending the DDoS attack asking for an investigation and statement.

If you're a beginner or a small business I would definitely recommend Hetzner servers if you're looking for a cheap option to host your business applications or websites.

You can check out the latest Hetzner server auctions by clicking here.